Arsenal Bonus

In update 3.2.1 a new feature was added, the Arsenal Bonus. The Arsenal Bonus permanently increases your health and attack for each new rarity of an equipment piece. It increases by 0.25% for each new rarity.

Rarity Cumulative Increase
Common 0.25%
Uncommon 0.50%
Rare 0.75%
Epic 1.00%
Legendary 1.25%
Mythical 1.50%
Exalted 1.75%
Deluxe 2.00%

If you have every single piece of free gear at deluxe then you can get a max Arsenal Bonus of 26%, and if you have every piece of gear, free and premium, at deluxe then you will have the maximum Arsenal Bonus, at 84% for 42 equipment pieces.