Regarding champion match idea

Original post

"When someone does well in the Tournament, it’s hard to know if it’s because they had a better load out, had a run of perks, or actually were better players.

Here’s an idea to put it to the test - the last completed run of the tournament winner is made available to the players in that league in the following week; they get the exact same load out (weapon, armour, gear, permanent upgrades, all-hero bonus, battle pass bonuses, skill tree etc) that the winner did, and the competition is to see who can complete the run in the shortest time.

Few details:

  • Should have an additional prize for this
  • The winner can also compete
  • Could either leave the perks random (in which case Hidden Treasures / Mystery crates could also be random) or can have them be identical to the winner’s run to eliminate the RNG from the competition (in which case any boosts from Hidden Treasures and perks from Mystery Crates should also be matched)

This would also be good for players to experience heroes, weapons and armour that they normally don’t play with"

This idea is great, here’s my opinions on it.

I see no reason having the perks and crates random as this would put to much luck into it and your opening statement would apply here as well “Did they just get better perks?”

I am afraid that even with the exact same load out / perks / worlds and everything it would come down to “who got the most critical hits?”, At least at the top level when it’s about time.

My suggestions is this:

  • Make it an endless run where room 21 would be the same as next floor in difficulty
  • Exact same of every single thing, no difference at all(worlds/rooms/bosses same too)
  • Make it so level is capped at what the top player reached in first 20 rooms (depending on fast learner or not)
  • Make it so the world’s generated after room 20 is also set(rooms and bosses too) it doesn’t matter which but same for everyone and every run.
  • Consider making mystery crates same as well (so it doesn’t come down to extra life luck)
  • Now it’s about who can go the highest and not about time