I’m collecting data on the current (January 2022) Looper Platinum crate to gauge the success rate unlocking the looper with it.
If you would like to participate, please complete the form here.
Thank you!
Update: Based on responses as at 0330 UTC on 10th January (29 successful people out of 62 respondents), the chance of getting a looper on a pull is ~4%, which translates to
- 1 in 27 chance of getting it on a single platinum crate
- 34% chance of getting it on a mega crate (66% will not succeed)
- 57% chance of getting it with 2 mega crates (43% will not succeed)
- 72% chance of getting it with 3 mega crates (28% will not succeed)
- 82% chance of getting it with 4 mega crates (18% will not succeed)