Welcome to the Mr. Autofire Wiki


I’m an avid Mr. Autofire player, and part of what makes the game fun for me is the challenge of figuring things out and sharing the answers on this wiki (and the complementary YouTube channel) and in other fan communities.

You probably got here because you have a question about the game - you can try the search function (top right) or check the following categories:

  • Getting Started - for newbie questions
  • Promo codes - for currently active promo codes (requires registration)
  • Analytics - stats (hero/weapon/armour/gear), perk descriptions, Easter eggs, etc. based on data
  • Reviews - Reviews of equipment, heroes, etc
  • Recommendations - Recommendations building on analytics and personal experience. Unlike Analytics, these posts can have contradictory opinions, or even outright bad advice, so do your due diligence.
  • Revisions - to list changes / revisions in the game (this is a new category so only some recent changes are captured)
  • Amazing Runs - to describe great runs, usually on special events
  • Feedback - suggestions for improving the game and this wiki

You can use this site anonymously if you wish (apart from accessing the Promo codes), but signing up for an account is highly recommended :ok_hand:t4:

If you want to submit content for the wiki, please post in User Contributions and I will move it to the appropriate category

In case you can’t find the answer to your question, shoot me a PM

Happy Autofiring!