These perks cause collateral damage to enemies close to enemies that take a hit from your weapon’s projectile (and Prospero’s Magic Bullets):
Zap deals 8.5% (rounded down, as with almost all calculations) of your Damage per Shot to enemies within range
- Most elemental perks’ damage is a function of your Loadout Attack, so they don’t increase in the course of a run when you get Attack perks, and +Attack from chests (nor do they take the admittedly minor damage reduction of multishot), but Zap, like Shrapnel, does
- Only the nominal Damage per Shot is considered - so it doesn’t matter if the shot is weakened by Piercing, Bouncy/Boomerang, Dividing or Dimensional
- Zap damage is not affected by Hero passives (e.g. Blazia’s Wrath, Frostina’s Snowball, etc)
- Zap damage is improved by Berserk
- Haven’t tested with Focus shots but suspect it will not apply
With Improved Zap,
- All enemies in the zone of a hit receive regular zap damage
- The closes enemy will receive Improved Zap damage of 50% of the Damage per shot
- The next enemy will receive 80% of that (approx. 40% of the Damage per shot)
- The next next enemy will receive 60% (approx. 30% of the Damage per shot)
- The above damage is instantaneous with the hit; in subsequent frames all of the enemies take a small additional damage (10 in my case) that I haven’t figured out the reason for
Death Zap deals x0.45 of your Loadout Attack to enemies in the blast zone - which means it doesn’t benefit from any bonuses/perks/gear that increase your damage per shot. It also stuns nearby enemies for 0.8 seconds (since version 1.9.6)